Students for Reproductive Justice

In Simone de Beauvoir’s writing about the myths of the second sex she brings up many of the ways in which men have suppressed women over the years. A good portion of these myths revolve around man’s reaction towards women regarding sex. To summarize, some of the myths state that men can have sex freely, whereas women can not. Men can jump from woman to woman, but a woman can not go from man to man.

This had me thinking about a new club that has been formed on campus this semester called “Students for Reproductive Justice.” While this club mostly concerns itself with advocating for contraception, information about sex, and women’s ability to choose, it also touches on fighting stigmas towards women when it relates to sex. Similar to the Feminists for Action organization, this club is fighting against the “patriarchal regime [when] man became master of woman.” (p. 154)

Ink Drawing titled "Not Yours" by Heather Keith Freeman. This piece expresses what it means to be pro-choice.

Ink Drawing titled “Not Yours” by Heather Keith Freeman. This piece expresses what it means to be pro-choice.

New Perspectives

About a month ago I participated in a design-build competition that took place in Toronto. The project was to design a Sukkah. This is a Jewish temporary structure in which meals and celebration take place for a week. Going into this project I had very little knowledge of Jewish culture. AFter participating, I have a better understanding of the culture. Trying something new has led me to re-evaluate myself and what I believe in. Similar to how Virginia Woolf offers everyone’s perspectives to create a cohesive whole in “To the Lighthouse”, this experience has opened my eyes to another culture helping me understand who I am. DSC_9369

